The 12 week Female Hormone Solution

a hormone first approach that targets the root cause, not just the symptoms so you can feel like you again

If you are here its about so much more than weight loss.

trust me when i say i know the feeling.

The frustration of trying everything—restrictive diets, intense workoutsyet nothing seems to work long-term. Feeling disconnected from your body, out of sync with your partner, and barely making it through the day because your energy is gone. The emotional rollercoaster, the brain fog, the sense that something’s off—but no clear answers.

It’s exhausting, overwhelming, and disheartening. But you’re not alone.


It’s about getting your body and hormones back in sync so you can stop battling hormonal weight gain, imbalances, and frustrating symptoms—and finally feeling like you again while watching the weight come off for good.

Most weight loss advice for women isn’t personalized, let alone focused on the crucial role hormones play. In fact, much of it isn’t even based on data relevant to women’s bodies.

If you’re reading this, there’s probably already a feeling that something is “off.” It might be showing up as:

  • Intense mood swings
  • Insatiable cravings
  • Brain fog
  • Stubborn weight that won’t budge
  • Low libido
  • Hair loss
  • Facial hair

You name it, I’ve seen it – and I’m here to help.


the 12 week Female Hormone Solution

Finally, a program designed for your body, not against it.

Does this sound like you?

As women, our bodies change drastically as we age, especially during menopause. If we don’t support these shifts, no matter how clean we eat or how hard we work out, the results will be limited.

What most plans miss? Stress. Chronic stress disrupts your hormones and locks your body into a state where weight loss becomes impossible. If you’ve noticed that “spare tire” around your midsection, it’s likely due to stress. Dieting and restricting calories only make it worse.

I’ve been where you are—confused, frustrated, and at a loss for what to do. That’s why I created this program: because you deserve answers that work for your body, not against it.

hear what others have to say about working with Dr. Beth

the 3 phase hormone solution plan

Why This Program Works When Others Don’t

Most programs aren’t designed for the unique biology of women. 

They don’t take your changing hormones into account, and they certainly don’t factor in stress. That’s why they fail. 

This program works with your body, not against it. It aligns with your hormones and lifestyle, so you’re not constantly struggling to stay on track. There’s no falling off the plan here—it’s built to be sustainable, long-term, and deeply transformative.

what you'll get

Personalized hormone testing

No more guessing about what’s wrong. We’ll get the data to tailor your plan.


Custom Meal Guides

Simple, family-friendly meal plans that fit into your life—no more restrictive diets.

on-demand support

You won’t be left wondering what to do if life happens and you fall off track. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

a lifetime of results

This is more than a 12-week program—it’s a permanent shift in how you approach your health, your body, and your life.

before + afters

Stop Fighting Your Hormones. Start Feeling Like You Again.

You don’t have to feel disconnected from your body anymore. Imagine having the energy to not just get through the day, but to thrive. Imagine feeling confident in your body again, watching the weight come off naturally, and finally ending the cycle of burnout and frustration. This program is designed to give you back control—of your body, your hormones, and your life.

“Dr. Beth helped teach me how to eat for my body. At first it seemed a little crazy, but once I started seeing results it made so much sense. I have more energy, I’ve lost a few sizes in my clothes, my mood is better. I wish I would have know this information years ago! I lost 8 pounds, and 10 inches in the first 6 weeks!”

– Laurie S.

Frequently asked questions

You will start with a DUTCH test.  Once we have your results back we will do a deep dive into your health history, hormone issues, struggles, goals etc. From there I will develop a specific starting point for you, and add in any additional suggestions so you get off to the best possible start. While we are waiting for those results to come back we will get started on a 30 day primer to get your body ready to go through the protocol and the program itself! From there you have access to me 24/7 via email I will check in with you every week. We also have weekly group coaching calls that you can jump on and ask any additional questions.

This program is designed specifically for women. We’ve taken into consideration how the female body processes nutrients differently, and we’ve also set specific foundational protocols in place so you get off to the right start. You will also receive customization and support that is specific to YOUR body. The program is not the same for everyone! We use the feedback your body gives us to adjust as we go to make sure you’re reaching your goals!

Well, if you are willing to do the work and follow my guidance, it will work for you. I am committed to making sure you make progress. My tool belt is FULL of tools that we can use based on how your body is responding. We will continue to tweak and adjust as we go along to make sure you hit your goals.

Yes! Each week we have a group coaching call that you can jump on and get your questions answered. I am also available via email 24/7. AND if you choose the coaching option you and I will have an initial jumpstart call along with 3-5 one to one phone calls to make sure we are staying on track & moving towards your goals.

Every woman is different and has a different starting point. Most women experience things like: an drastic improvement in energy, better sleep, fewer/elimination of Menopause symptoms, clothes fitting better, improvement in strength, inches decreasing by 10-30 inches overall. AND a better understanding of how to take control of your new body. So you feel like you again.

Here’s the thing…if your body is functioning like it should be, one thing shouldn’t make or break it. You should be able to have the cupcake, or glass of wine, or dressing on your salad without it “throwing things off” or sabotaging your results. That’s my goal for you in this program; to get your body functioning like it should be, so you can still have the things you love.

We have a program specific to this phase of life. Upon registration you will have the option to choose The 12 Week Menopause Solution. It’s tailored to fit for what your body needs going through this transition and all of the information delivered is specific to women from perimenopause through post menopausal. 

In short, VERY. I am going to list out specifics for you to follow, but I’m also going to offer you a TON of substitution options. So if you find something you don’t like, swap it with something you do. This will probably be the easiest, most flexible meal guide you’ve ever followed. Because in reality, it’s not as much about being super strict, as it is about getting the right types of foods at the right times. I’m going to teach you that!

  • DUTCH Test + analysis with 60 minute consultation
  • Initial 30 Day Primer
  • 3-5 One to One Phone Calls with our Doctors
  • 1 Emergency Phone Call with our Doctors
  • Customization to Meal Guide & Program
  • Supplement Protocol Customization & Adjustments
  • Weekly Recorded Group Coaching Calls w/ 1 Live Session per Month
  • Coaching Audios
  • 12 Weeks of in depth content teaching you how to eat and exercise for your body
  • Flexible meal guides that are family friendly & easy to adapt
  • Grocery Lists to make shopping easy
  • 12 Week Program Journal
  • Exercise Recommendations
  • Access to our Doctors via email
  • Weekly Check Ins via email

The 12 week program is really designed to give you all of the tools you need to continue with the lifestyle we have created. And most women are able to continue making progress on their own!

With that being said, we had a lot of requests for continued support or accountability, so we created a Part 2 of the 12 week program. It’s designed to help us cement the core principles in place while continuing to work on your goals with support and accountability. We also include a DUTCH cortisol test so we can see the progress we’ve made. This is completely optional. It was created to offer extra support to those wanting it.

If this option doesn’t fit, we have other options for continued support ant guidance.

We are constantly changing, adding and updating the content in the program. You have access to everything from your session for all 12 weeks, plus a catch up week. You are also free to download and record anything you’d like!

Are you ready to regain control of your body?

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5 day metabolism boost & hormone balance guide

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